Alternate Houses - Dramabombs

Heeeey ladies! ...cowbell... Mini-segment 1

I established the Dramabomb house tonight. In order to settle them in and purchase a few things to get them started happy, I ran it for about twenty minutes.

And hell, I was just as curious as the rest of you all, just what would they get up to?


First thing they did was congregate in the first floor bathroom. Talked about things, bitched about the door being blocked by girlmecha (lol) on occasion, then decided to get a move-on.

And collectively, as a herd, they moved... the second floor bathroom. Go go gadget gender stereotypes!

Art imitates life, Nobuu was the first to start bitching about something.

But, I think she only was angry because no one was getting down, so she headed downstairs to fix that-

All that dancing must've just tuckered her out, so she went to chill out on the livingroom bed. Yes, the livingroom has a bed. It needed one, trust me.
Then, zomg! Trillian hops in bed with her!

...and then they do nothing. For three minutes. So I wrote the update.

Dramabomb House mini-clip 2

When last we left the girls... girlmecha and Wench were unaccounted for.

Oh. There they are. Yammering away in the bathroom and firmly entrenching existing gender stereotypes.

isa washes a dish. O excitement.


It's the Romeros! I love custom user content.

O hey it's EtchaSketch too!

Ugh jesus the undead couple flirting kinda creeps my skin.

I'm also duly noting the apathy from Trillian and Nobuu here. They haven't stirred yet from daydreaming.

isa is hitting it off with Etcha.

Then everyone dances and I notice it's almost 11pm.

Tril and Nob were still lounging when I left the game.