Day 17

Did you miss them?

You did.

You did.

You missed Zarrr going poopy.

Test-0 helps with the homework and

look at the fucking LIPS on him. I don't remember doing that.

That bottle's still there. It only seems like eternity because I've totally fucked off the thread.

O hey it's midnight let's all go outside and play fetch

That is one fucked up dog.

The cat is here, being a total cunt.
You should hear it too. The cat's yowling as if the couch cracked a joke about its dead mother.

"MOTHERFUCKER YOU TOUCH THAT COUCH AGAIN I'MA KICK YOUR FACE SO HARD THAT... well that wouldn't really do much at all..."

Fine, wonder how you'll feel when I rape the television, fag.

2am and this is what he's up to on a school night no less.

"Well, you see... uh... streetsign."

"What the fuck you talkin bout son."

"Now, flags. Flags are what to talk about."

"Whatever, just please don't bring up flowcharts or I swear to god I will gouge out my dominant eye."



FINALLY the fucker is playing with a toy I actually bought for it. It's just like MY cat. I'm sure if I could throw milk jug safety seals on the ground, it'd neglect the expensive-ass toys for garbage too.

Some habits never change.

To wit.

It's been three days hasn't it? No, it's been FOUR days, I can't do math.

Zarrr's off to work so we'll tie the knot when he comes home.


I don't feel so bad about puns because a coworker told me that the only people that really hate them, are the folks that can't think them up. I don't know, personally. Go read GBS, that'll put you right on the fence.


Soulfucker's eyes are so enormous he can't close them when he sleeps. Probably all for the best, to keep Jesus from sneaking up on him and kicking him down to Hell.


Soulfucker would bite it except that its mouth is trapped BEHIND its face.

God damn, he's still at it.

Promotion for Zarrr! He's now a junior orifice.

This teenager is Orestes, just passing through. I thought it was funny because he stopped by the mailbox, and did this paranoid 'they're out to get me' doubletake. Considering that's how he had to live for the first part of his life in the old myth, I thought it was funny.

Yes, I had his father violently slaughtered as an act of a vindictive god.

Then he stole the newspaper.

This has got to stop. ClearlyDistemperate has a wedding in about two hours, and yet she's still getting the hornies for blackguy32.

Somewhere I'm sure blackguy32's praying this goes down the wrong path, considering his Sim's alternative choices.

That's Ridley showering. The significance of his Needs bars, would be the fact that the Hygeine bar AND the bladder bar are increasing. That means someone, at some time in the creation of the Sims, decided to acknowledge and implement peeing in the shower.
I feel sort of retarded for pointing that out, but really retarded for actually chuckling at it.

Well, everyone's back from work...

So, I had ClearlyDelisted get the ball rolling

I don't know what to specifically laugh about.
The implication by the bride in anything but virgin white on her first wedding?
The constant gradual emasculation of DisinclinedPlane, reaching fruition?
The presence of a woman-tuxedo 'it's a dykey, dykey life!' in the general wardrobe?
Imagining DisinclinedPlane in the dress instead?

Now, Ripley's looking snazzy, but who the hell is this guest?
Is it... AHAHAAH I think it's the bitch that chewed out EtchaSketch for voyeurism! Yeah, she's easily invited.

Bitch better be marrying into money...

How magnificent.
He's dressed like any given salesperson at Zales, and I just love that let's get this over with slump to him while the rest of the house gets situated to celebrate.

Oh, now Test-0's looking the part.

AHAHAHA it happened too fast to screenshot but DP's balls flew out to the right with a twang...

Now THAT is the picture of a happy 'just married' couple right?

words escape me

Ha, it's exactly like any reception I've ever been to...

And just like that, reality as they have defined it reasserts itself.

Well, it's time for some honeymoon action.

Time for this room to get some mileage on the road it was cut for.

Here we go...


OOO we got the baby music confirmation!
Beats the shit out of 32's poisoned manwomb.

Poor Jesus. He's all, guys seriously, it was like watching a summer camp counselor fuck an inverted strawberry Pop Tart, they'd have to nail me to the sun to properly atone for the sins I wish I had turpentine and a wirebrush to scrub out of my memory...

Too bad! You can't scrub away ugly.