Day 2

Team Stab decided to go to bed in the Barry White tribute room...

While I discovered that bonafide prostitution is not a viable, easy 'business' to run in the OFB expansion, that doesn't mean we can't have a 'sex chamber.'

Considering that she'd rather forsake hygeine for gaming, this girl's probably the average Gamefaq forum poster's dream date.

Mr. Clean is mister clean.

Jesus woman finally.

Zarrr gets medieval with the mortar and pestle, to make...

Spaghetti? What the hell.

"Dear God please tell me to go pee pee!"
No, fuck you.

Was that so fucking difficult.

blackguy32 goes to sleep in the bed under the "What the fuck do you think you're looking at," Jesus action painting.

Then for no reason I can determine, he switches beds for the "Shout at the sky and summon Atlanteans" Jesus action painting.

"Hay God I know I'm actually in the middle of cooking but do you think you could tell me to cook because I'm like you know hungry and stuff..."

No, fuck you.

It's 4am, and *this* guy has no intention of going to bed.

That looks so comfortable.

Then Zarrr comes in and disturbs her off the plank.

AAHAHAHAHA this is what I get for not paying attention to the pajama underwear settings during character design.

6am and the kids that went to bed on time wake up.

Who can't relate to this one?

Disinclined Plane takes a piss in the dungeon.

I have to say, so far this is one hygenic group. There's plenty of room for that to change, but the first time I did this, I don't think anyone actually picked up a plate, espresso cup or abandoned meal until around day 3.

Quarter to eight, sun's up, great time to hit the coffin.

See? There we go again.

But notice Test-0 in the background, serving up a big plate of poptarts? Something is just bound to be green and rotten, then probably eaten today.

It really looks like Jesus is serving up poptarts for the last supper.

I break this poptart, in remembrance of youuu... I drink this Capri Sun juicebox, in remembrance of youuu...

Great day to update a post just rife with blasphemy!

"These poptarts are HURTING OUR BOTTOM LINE, TEST-0."

"I don't want to go to jail! I could end up like Kenneth Lay!"

"Lay didn't go to jail dumbass, he killed himself."

"I totally think he was a faggot, too."

32 finishes his poptart then commences with some inexplicable, creepy Mr. Burns chortling to himself.

Look who's up for a poptart in her phenomenal Clive Barker birthday suit.

I really can't tell who here looks more likely to be up on charges for the murder of Jonbenet.

Test-0 finished his painting.

I know just where to put it.

We have a positive sighting on decayed poptarts!

Followed by its immediate cleaning by 32, as you can see. This is entirely unexpected.

Carrie and King Kong decide the floor of the banquet hall is the best place to just sit around and bullshit.

MORE cleaning.

Oh shit, he's going for it again...

Clearly, better results, this time.


Zarrr goes out to the mail box, then checks to see if his hairline is still retreating like a German winter offensive in Russia.


"Outer fuckin space!"

It actually makes a little 'lieberal media' sense.

Uh dude...

I'd let her win...

That has got to be the most bizarre thing I've seen yet in this game.

ANOTHER pillow fight. I swear, aside from lounging around and talking in bizarre places, the only other method of interaction for these guys is beating eachother with pillows.

Not worth screenshotting but worth mentioning, is that Test-0, Disinclined Plane and Team Stab went back to the exact same places they slept the night before.

And, at midnight, as if to punctuate the point...