Day 24


Nope, sorry. Zuul's not in there.

Remember how Ripley started this two days ago? She had jabbed it like three times with a screwdriver and gave up. Duey finally finishes the job.

Both of the homos are fixing the place up. All this picture needs is a Discovery channel watermark in the bottom right corner and it could be any number of their design shows.

What in the blue fuck

Talk about the brood parasite not falling too far from the alien invading fleet.

Not worth screenshotting but worth mentioning- four hours later Otik is still chatting with Apple Juice.

What the fuck do you suppose this thing was?

Rathen's been going from instrument to instrument, performing 'country', but it never really sounds much like country.

Thank fuck.

Here, is Esco literally scaring the piss out of Duey.


Sure, we've got yet another spongebather, but let me point out the three abandoned half-finished meals sitting out.

Death Toilet the 3rd is looking particularly Lovecraftian tonight.

I only caught the tail end of it, but as ObMeiste was mopping up his boyfriend's piss, Esco then scared the piss out of him.

Rathen takes the edge off for Ob by telling him a dirty joke over the puddle of his fear-loosened bowels.

Oh, good going.

Now, everybody's freaking out, and Otik's creating an obstruction for the fireman.

He's got at least a year's worth of playing chess pieces before he un-stupids, it'd appear.


The fireman saves the day, and everybody relaxes!

Even Rathen and Ripley are thinking, you cannot be fucking serious.

The fireman eventually says goodbye, gotta go back to work, and then...

He plunks down on the livingroom couch and watches the cooking channel.

Otik, meanwhile, went to bed.

Rathen spongebathes while standing on God only knows whose piss from the last ghost attack, and Death Toilet the 3rd stares on menacingly.

"First, I will SHACKLE HUMANITY TO THE DRAINPIPE THAT IS MY OPPRESSIVE BUT UNCHALLENGED DOMINION and wi... I mean it sure is nice weather for the conquest of a lesser speci... that is to say my goodness that fire was very scary."

I frequently get asked in my private messages, HEY WHERE'S THE FUCKING UPDATE YOU PRI
I mean, people say that EtchaSketch is their favorite character and they are sad he isn't featured more often.

So, let's see what he's up to...

Here he is, paying the bills.

I can not help it if he's a fat sack of tendency-contradicting boring, most the time.

Don't worry. I've got plans for his anus, come the Sims Bordello: Etcha in the Barrel expansion.

This is the view that would greet any creepy peeping Tom in this neighborhood.

I think it would be enough to make Lecter move.


ObMeiste gets home from work and passes out by the car. Poor creature.

Etcha farts and blames Ripley.

That's fucking awesome.

He then clouts her with a waterballoon.

Ripley cleans the pancakes off the stove she torched about eight hours ago and throws them out. They are fucking foul looking.

Oh oh...

But, she manages to get through it okay.

This figures.

Making this room was the best idea I had yet.

FYI, Ripley really sucks and is ruining the session but its making me laugh.

And we finish the update, tonight, with GIIRyudo in peaceful repose.